
Thursday, January 06, 2005

CNN's Crossfire Gets Crossed Out

EJ has asked me not to load down his cherry-cart with heavy political discussion, so those of you who were on the edge of your seats waiting to debate the Federal Open Market Commitee's FY'05 Federal Funds Rate policy are going to have your teeth set on edge once again. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience, but I must do as I am asked.

The best sideshow on television since Bozo's Grand Prize Game is coming to an end. CNN's chief U.S. executive Jonathan Klein has decided not to renew Tucker Carlson's Crossfire contract, and in so doing, is bringing twenty-two years of vainglorious verbal violence in full-color video to a final close. Although unconfirmed, there are rumors afoot that CBS is considering making the former Crossfire host an offer for a Saturday morning show, but a final deal is being postponed until Paul Reubens' availability as a voice coach can be confirmed.

An insider source, speaking on condition of anonymity, quotes CBS President Les Moonves: "We're looking at the Saturday morning slot, and there is a chance he could regain some of the audience share we lost after Pee-Wee's Playhouse. Tucker's a perfect fit. He already wears a bowtie, and viewers are used to seeing him talk to chairs."*

For those of you keeping score at home, that makes it Jon Stewart 1; Tucker Carlson 0. Jonathan Klein told the AP, "I guess I come down more firmly in the Jon Stewart camp."

If you have been stuck under a rock for the last six months, you can see Jon Stewart tell it like it is here. Fear not loyal readers, EJ should be back soon.

* I just made that part up.

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