
Friday, December 31, 2004

Goodbye Horrible 2004.

Take a deep breath. If you can see this, it may already be 2005. That means 2004 is behind us and we can move forward. This picture of an Indian woman weeping near the debris of her home describes what 2004 was like for me perfectly.

I cannot know her suffering, but I do understand.

The year 2004 for me will stand as one of valuable lessons, a year filled with closures and subsequent renewals, not to mention a year of financial devestation for most everyone I know.

I'm like many of you reading this. I struggled throughout the crises of the year, the roadblocks, the confusing messages, watching the war continue. I watched the job market fluctuate dramatically. I paid too much for gas. I fought with my family over red states vs. blue states. I felt the enormous struggle of independent artists. But I've decided it's over.

And with that, I welcome you to 2005. May it be prosperous and blessed for each and every one of you. I know that sounds kinda cheesy, but I mean it. We all deserve a break.

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